In this page, the National Water Management Authority makes available the Map of Inland Waterways in Poland, prepared in cooperation with the Regional Water Management Boards.

Detailed information about inland waterways can be found at the Regional Water Management Board which is territorially competent.

The Regional Water Management Board in Gdańsk administers the following inland waterways:

  1. the Vistula River (km 684,0 - 941,3),
  2. the Dead Vistula River (km 0,0 - 11,5),
  3. the Szkarpawa River (km 0,0 - 25,4),
  4. the Nogat River (km 0,0 - 62,0),
  5. the Brda River (km 0,0 - 14,4),
  6. the Bydgoski Canal (km 0,0 - 0,4),
  7. the Jagiellonian Canal (km 0,0 - 5,8),
  8. the system of the Elbląski Canal, the lakes of the Iławskie Lakeland and Lake Drużno, 151.7 km long, consisting of:
    1. Lakes: Piniewo, Sambród, Ruda Woda, Bartężek, Ilińsk, Drwęckie, Puzy, Szeląg Wielki, Dauby, Jeziorak and Ewingi,
    2. the Elbląski Canal from Lake Drużno to Lakes Jeziorak and Szeląg Wielki,
    3. the Bartnicki Canal from Lake Ruda Woda to Lake Bartężek,
    4. the navigable route of Lake Drużno;

The Regional Water Management Board in Gliwice administers the following inland waterways:

  1. the Odra River (km 51,2 - 98,6),
  2. the Gliwicki Canal (km 0,0 - 41,2),
  3. the Kędzierzyński Canal (km 0,0 - 5,6);

The Regional Water Management Board in Kraków administers the following inland waterways:

  1. the Vistula River (km 0,0 - 295,2),
  2. the Łączański Canal (km 0,0 - 17,2);

The Regional Water Management Board in Poznań administers the following inland waterways:

  1. the Bydgoski Canal (km 14,8 - 38,9),
  2. the Ślesiński Canal (km 0,0 - 32,0),
  3. Lake Gopło (km 32,0 - 59,5),
  4. the Upper Noteć River (km 59,5 - 121,6),
  5. the Górnonotecki Canal (km 121,6 - 146,6),
  6. the Lower Noteć River – the canalized section (km 38,9 - 177,2),
  7. the Lower Noteć River – the regulated section (km 177,2 - 226,1),
  8. the Warta River (km 0,0 - 406,6);

The Regional Water Management Board in Szczecin administers the following inland waterways:

  1. the Odra River (km 542,4 - 704,1),
  2. the Eastern Odra River (km 704,1 - 730,5),
  3. the Western Odra River (km 0,0 - 36,5),
  4. the Regalica River (km 730,5 - 741,6),
  5. the Parnica River (km 4,0 - 5,6),
  6. the Klucz - Ustowo Canal (km 0,0 - 2,7),
  7. the Parnicki Canal (km 0,0 - 1,3),
  8. the Kurowski Canal (km 0,0 - 3,4),
  9. the Odyńca Canal (km 0,0 - 3,6),
  10. the Klucz Canal (km 0,0 - 2,3),
  11. the Cegielinka Canal (km 0,0 - 1,8),
  12. the Green Canal (km 0,0 - 0,4),
  13. Lake Dąbie (9.5 km of the main route) and the Rivers: Święta, Czapina, Babina, Dąbski Nurt and Iński Nurt;

The Regional Water Management Board in Warsaw administers the following inland waterways:

  1. the Vistula River (km 295,2 - 684,0),
  2. the Żerański Canal (km 0,0 -17,2),
  3. the Bug River (km 0,0 - 283,2),
  4. the Narew River (km 22,0 - 248,5),
  5. the Pisa River (km 0,0 - 80,0),
  6. the system of the Great Mazurian Lakes, consisting of:
    1. Lakes:
      • Roś, Seksty, Tałtowisko, Kotek Wielki, Szymon, Szymoneckie, Jagodne, Śniardwy, Mikołajskie, Tałty, Boczne and Niegocin,
      • Mamry Lake, consisting of the following lakes: Kisajno, Dargin, Mamry (proper) and Święcajty,
      • Kirsajty
    1. the rivers and canals connecting the lakes listed in point (a) from the town of Pisz to the town of Węgorzewo,
    2. the lakes which are side branches of the Pisz – Węgorzewo waterway: Lakes: Bełdany, Ryńskie, Guzianka Mała, Guzianka Duża and Nidzkie (to km 19,0);
  7. the Augustowski Canal (km 0,0 - 83,0);

The Regional Water Management Board in Wrocław administers the following inland waterways:

  1. the Odra River (km 98,6 - 542,4),
  2. the Nysa Łużycka River (km 0,0 - 15,0);

Current navigation information:

RZGW Gdańsk

phone 0 58 326 18 88

RZGW Gliwice

phone 0 32 777 49 50

RZGW Kraków

phone 0 12 628 42 14

RZGW Poznań

phone 0 61 856 77 30

RZGW Szczecin

phone 0 91 441 13 01

RZGW Warszawa

phone 0 22 583 00 86

RZGW Wrocław

phone 0 71 337 89 19