
XIII-th meeting of the Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters commission

13th meeting of the Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters Commission took place in Siedliska (Poland) from 23th May to 25th May 2012.


The negotiations were conducted :


head of Polish delegation – Mr. Leszek Bagiński

head of Ukrainian delegation – Mr. Mychajło Jacuk


During this meeting, the most important matters related to Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters were raised:

  1. Co-operation in the field of planning on transboundary waters - Implementation of tasks by the “PL” Working Group was discussed and the following issues were presented:
    •    amendments to legal regulations of Poland and Ukraine in 2010, mainly concerning the water management and environmental protection;
    •    directions and the state of play in the water resources management and planning in Poland and Ukraine;
    •    information about legal regulations and procedures of issuing permits for sand and gravel extraction from the San catchment area and the mountain rivers;
    •    methods of determining quality of waters as well as maps of surface water quality in transboundary catchment area of the Bug river in Poland and Ukraine;
    •    recommendations on the joint water policy developed by “The Polish-Belarussian-Ukrainian Water Policy in the Bug river basin" as well as the activities aiming at submitting the joint projects in water management of the Bug and the San rivers catchments;
    •    cooperation between ZZZW Zachodnio-Bużański and RZGW Warszawa
    •    elaboration of information concerning the use of waters in the Bug and the San rivers catchments;
    •    participation of the “PL” Working Group in implementation of the project “The use of modern tools (GIS) in water management according to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive in the Ukrainian  part of the Bug river catchment” in the framework of “Development assistance 2011” program financed by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  2. Co-operation in the field of transboundary waters protection against pollution – The content of the joint report on the works completed by the “OW” Working Group in 2011 and updated work plan in 2012 was prepared and agreed upon as well as the draft work plan for 2013 was developed.
    The Managers of the “OW” Working Group participated in the 12th Meeting of the Polish-Ukrainian Commission which took place from 14th December to 16th December 2011 in Lutsk (Ukraine).
    The Manager of the Ukrainian part of the “OW” Working Group was provided with:
    •    draft plan of water sampling in the transboundary measurement and control points on Wisznia and Szklo rivers in 2011;
    •    results of the transboundary rivers tests;
    •    studies:
    -    “Conditions of the environment in the Sub-Carpathian Voivodeship in the area bordering with Ukraine”
    -    Assessment of the quality of water in the transboundaryr rivers in 2010”;
    -    “Flood 2010 – causes and consequences”;
    -    “Report on the condition of the Sub-Carpathian Voivodeship environment in 2010”;
    Within the framework of international Polish - Ukrainian cooperation on transboundary waters, both sides conducted monitoring of the transboundary waters of the following rivers: Bug, Wisznia and Szklo. 
    Polish and Ukrainian sides developed information about the quality of transboundary waters in 2011, which includes:
    •    assessment of the quality of the transboundary waters in 2011;
    •    graphic illustration of the changes in water quality;
    •    level of the quality of the transboundary waters in comparison to the results from 2010 in relation to the agreed indicators.
    In 2011, no extraordinary pollution was evidenced on the transboundary waters.
  3. Co-operation in the field of flood protection, the regulation and drainage – The “OP” Working Group presented the scope of works executed in 2011:
    •     implementation of the conclusions from the previous meetings was assessed;
    •    coordination of the most urgent activities related to maintenance of the transboundary catchments, improvement of flood protection and stabilization of state border were assigned;
    At the Group’s request in 2011, the Polish side:
    •    removed the blockages at the length of 16,4 km between boundary markers no. 946 and 971;
    •    submitted an application for additional financing of the project “Strategic environmental assessment of transboundary Bug river". The task will be implemented in 2012;
    •    introduced the following tasks to be executed on the transboundary Bug river into the plan for 2012:
    - Dorohusk II – rebuilding of the eroded bank – boundary marker no. 985;
    - Skryhiczyn – protection of the eroded bank – boundary marker no. 940;
    - Strzyżów – protection of the slope between boundary markers no. 885 – 886.
    •    on a current basis, removed the beaver dam on the Krzywula river, which caused water damming on the Ukrainian side (K-II channel) - implementation of the recommendations of the Commission from December 2009
    At the Group’s request in 2011, the Ukrainian side:
    •    unblocked Rzeczyca river in the border zone;
    •    systematically cleaned the bars mounted to the technical equipment on the transboundary waters, in the border zone;
    •    continued the works connected with the unblocking of Biala river.
    Furthermore, the issues connected with the submitted the joint application for additional financing the purchase of technical equipment for maintenance of the permeability of Bug river in order to remove and prevent the effects of the flood within the frameworks of The Cross Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine for years 2007 -2013 were initially discussed.
  4. Co-operation in the field of eliminating extraordinary pollution of transboundary waters – The content of the joint report on the works done by the “NZ” Working Group in 2011 was prepared and agreed upon as well as updated work plan for 2012 and the draft work plan for 2013 was developed. The Group informed the Commission, that the Managers of Polish and Ukrainian “OW” and “NZ” Working Groups took part in business meeting at Javorow in Ukraine in 2011, where experiences from current cooperation were discussed. Furthermore, they participated in the presentation “Monitoring of the state of surface waters according to the Water Framework Directive – planning, monitoring implementation and assessment of the state of waters” presented by Voivodship Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Rzeszow.
  5. Co-operation in the field of hydrometeorology and hydrogeology – The content of the joint report on the works done by the “HH” Working Group in 2011 was prepared and agreed upon as well as updated work plan for 2012 and the draft work plan for 2013 was developed. The Commission recommended the Managers of the “HH” Working Group to activate the cooperation to implement accepted work plans.

Furthermore a state of the bilateral cooperation between the ecologic and rescue services was discussed. Also a problem of removing of the beaver's dam was raised on the Polish side at the Krzywula stream (on the Ukrainian side "channel MK-II"), regulation of the bed of the San river between boundary signs of the No. 225-227 in order to proceed changes in the state boundary regime at the request of the Polish-Ukrainian Commission for state border. The cooperation in flood damages restoration in Poland was also discussed.

Commission accepted the draft work plans of all working groups for 2013.
Detailed arrangements for the Polish-Ukrainian bilateral cooperation on transboundary waters were laid down in the Protocol.



XI-th meeting of the Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters commission

11-th meeting of the Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters commission took place in Bochnia (Poland), from 17-th to 19-th of November 2010.


The negotiations were conducted :

on the part of Poland – by Mr. Leszek Karwowski

on the part of Ukraine – by Mr. Wasyl Kozak


During this meeting, the most important matters related to Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters were raised:

  1. Co-operation in the field of planning on transboundary waters – Parties discussed the process of the information exchange about implemented changes in 2009 in legal regulations of Poland and Ukraine, in particular in relation to the water management and environmental protection; they got familiar with conclusions of the project “Structure of the Polish-Belarusian-Ukrainian water policy in the basin of the Bug river” in connection with its accomplishment; specifications of protected areas were drawn up in the basin of the Bug and the San Rivers with giving their categories and form of protection; the range of works on conclusions of common Polish-Ukrainian projects concerning the transboundary waters was discussed.
  2. Co-operation in the field of transboundary waters protection against pollution – Parties exchanged information on the results of researches on transboundary river waters, which were conducted in 2009 for Sub-Carpathian and Lublin district; evaluated the quality of transboundary waters concerning the year of 2009; reviewed the results of conversations about the organization of the new diagnostic network of water level monitoring in Ukraine, as well as the rules of carrying out researches and collecting results of measurements; made arrangements in relation to potential sources constituting a threat to the waters in border area; listened to the information about participation in provincial, episodic-problematic exercises under the cryptonym of “BORDER 2009”, as well as participation in training workshops on combating the events having transboundary effects.
  3. Co-operation in the field of flood protection, the regulation and drainage – Participants got familiar with the information concerning the conducted inspection of selected river segments crossing or forming the state border; listened to the information about removing jams on rivers and water courses in the crossing place of the state border, which make free flow of water difficult (including grates and beaver lodges); discussed the matters concerning maintenance of the river beds, flood protection and long-term protection of the state border location.
  4. Co-operation in the field of eliminating extraordinary pollution of transboundary waters – Parties got familiar with the course of actions, concerning updating “System of notifying and warning about extraordinary pollution on the Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters”; discussed actions being aimed at presenting state of the environment in transboundary area, including the problems existing in this region; information was accepted about conducted cooperation in the range of a list of the economic entities including settling matters in a border zone in the Sub-Carpathian district, which have at their disposal dangerous substances and preparations enabling to create a potential threat to the environment; got familiar with the course of debates run on international forums in fighting against extraordinary pollution; presenting a scope of research on qualities concerning monitoring of waters in the transboundary rivers of Wisznia and Szkło.
  5. Co-operation in the field of hydrometeorology and hydrogeology – Parties accepted, that execution of tasks concerning the study and the exchange of data for balance purposes ran rhythmically and on time; they listened to the information about the process of observation-measurement data exchange (hydrological and meteorological), essential to draw up the water balance in 2009 (parallel they sent to the value of ice reduction coefficient from the agreed profiles); they got acquainted with calculations of flows carried out on agreed profiles; got familiar with hydrological information concerning data from hydrometric stations of Ukrainian part of the Bug basin, as well as from the hydrometric stations of Kryłów and Strzyżów on the Bug river, as well as Krościenko town on the Strwiąż river; they got acquainted with conducted analysis of hydrological materials of the Szkło river from the Budzyń profile in 2009.

Moreover, state of co-operation was discussed in the field of state border administration on transboundary waters; an active involvement was recommended to the representatives of both sides in projects carried out in a framework of the Neighbourhood Program Poland-Belorussia-Ukraine; they listened to the information about decision through the application form on partial financial support of the project “Elaboration of methodology and procedures for compiling the water management plans for the regions of international river basins, according to requirements of the 2000/60/WE directive, as the example of the drainage area of the Bug river, on the Polish and Ukrainian sides with implementation of the stage considering major problems of water management as crucial to the process of planning the management of waters” folded for partial funding from the Norwegian financial mechanism. Parties also got familiar with works connected with preparing documents essential to get finances for the following projects: “Elaboration of strategy and completion of applying ventures concerning the flood protection of the Bug river”, “Stocktaking and the monitoring of the main sources of polluting surface and underground waters in a border part of the Bug river catchment area” within a framework of Co-operation Program Poland-Belorussia-Ukraine for the years of 2007-2013.

Commission approved the workplans of all working groups for the year of 2011.

Detailed arrangements for the Polish-Ukrainian bilateral cooperation on transboundary waters were laid down in the Protocol.



10-th meeting of Polish-Ukrainian Transboundary waters commission

10 th meeting of the Polish-Ukrainian Transboundary Waters Commission took place in Lvov-Briukhovitz (Ukraine), from 7th to 10th of December 2009.


The negotiations were conducted :


on the part of Poland - by Mr. Leszek Karwowski

on the part of Ukraine - by Mr. Andrij Kobrynski


During this meeting, the most important matters related to Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters were raised:


1. Co-operation in the field of planning on transboundary waters


- discussed the processof information exchange on changes implemented  in legal framework of Poland and Ukraine, mainly related to water management and environmental protection;

- got familiar with conclusions of the project "Structure of the Polish-Belarussian-Ukrainian water policy in Bug river basin" ;

- got acquainted with carried identification of the ventures, which in accordance to the Convention on environmental impact assessments in the transboundary context (the Espoo Convention) have a transboundary influence;

- listened to information about collected data concerning retention reservoirs with capacity exceeding 200 thousand cubic meters;

- drew up a list of  protected areas with reference to the environment protection  in Bug and San river basins.


2. Co-operation in the field of transboundary waters protection against pollution


- discussed the evaluation results of transboundary waters quality conducted in 2008;

- got acquainted with conclusion of talks on monitoring network arrangements in Ukraine and the rules of conducting research, as well as collecting results of measurements;

- got familiar with actions focused on control, research and arrangement aiming at eliminating threat to waters of the San river due to storing pesticides exceeding expiry dates in Sianki village;

- listened to information on participation in provincial episodic-problematic exercises, conducted under the code name of "KRYZYS 2008".


3. Co-operation in the field of flood protection, regulation and drainage


- got familiar with information concerning conducted inspection of selected river segments crossing or forming the state border;

- listened to information about removing jams on rivers and water-courses (including grates and beaver lodges), which hamper free flow of water;

- discussed the matters concerning maintenance of the river beds, flood protection and long-term protection of the state border location.


4. Co-operation in the field of eliminating extraordinary pollution of transboundary waters


- got acquainted with the course of works concerning update of "The system of notifying and warning against extraordinary pollution on the Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters";

- discussed actions aimed at presenting state of the environment in transboundary area, including problems existing in this region;

- approved information on cooperation in the field of a list of economic entities extending activity in border zone in the Sub-Carpathian district, which have dangerous substances and preparations at their disposal, bearing the risk of potential threat to the environment;

- got familiar with the course of debates run on international forums on fighting extraordinary pollutions.


5. Co-operation in the field of hydrometeorology and hydrogeology


- accepted that execution of tasks concerning the elaboration and exchange of data for balance purposes ran systematically with a fixed time limit;

- listened to information on observation and measurement data exchange process (hydrological and meteorological) necessary to draft water balance in 2008 (made parallel to delivery of ice reduction coefficient value from the agreed profiles);

- got acquainted with calculations of flows carried out on agreed profiles;

- discussed the need of establishing new working teams in order to conduct hydrological and hydrogeological measurements;

- got acquainted with the carried out analysis of hydrological samples taken from the Szkło river in the Budzyń profile, after completion of filling the sulphur mining site of in Javorov.


In addition, Parties :

- discussed state of co-operation in the field of state border administration on transboundary waters;

- listened to information on rehabilitation of degraded areas in the excavation zone of Javorov State-owned Mining-chemical Enterprise "Sulphur"

- got familiar with the conclusion of preparations for the project named "Sustainable use of transboundary system of the Mesosoic Reservoirs of underground waters", as well as the results of accomplished project "Sustainable use and resources protection of underground waters - transboundary water management - Belarus, Poland, Ukraine";

- recommended an active involvement of representatives of both sides in the projects carried out in a framework of the Polish-Belarussian-Ukrainian Neighbourhood Programme;

- listened to information on decisions of the application form for funding the project named "Elaboration of methodology and procedure of drafting water management plans for areas of international river basins in accordance with the requirements of 2000/60/EC directive as an example of the Bug river basin in the Polish and Ukrainian parts along with implementation of identification stage of the main problems of water management as crucial in the process of planning in water management" submitted for funding by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism;

- got acquainted with the assistance granted to Ukrainian services by Polish institutions.


Commission approved the workplans of all working groups for the year of 2010.

Detailed arrangements for the Polish-Ukrainian bilateral cooperation on transboundary waters were laid down in the Protocol.



9-th meeting of Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters commission


9-th meeting took place in Sandomierz (Poland), from 22 to 24 of October 2008.

Negotiations were conducted by:

Chief of Polish delegation Mr. Andrzej Sadurski
Chief of Ukrainian delegation Mr. Andrij Kobryński


During this meeting, most important matters related to Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters were risen. Moreover, working-plan for 2009 was set and approved. Detailed information about this meeting and actual Polish-Ukrainian co-operation on transboundary waters are placed in polish version of protocol which can be downloaded underneath.



8-th meeting of Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters commission


8-th meeting took place in Pustomyty/Lviv (The Ukraine), from 27 to 31 of August 2007.


Negotiations were conducted by:

Chief of Polish delegation Mr. Piotr Rutkiewicz
Chief of Ukrainian delegation Mr. Wasyl Kozak


During this meeting, most important matters related to Polish-Ukrainian transboundary waters were risen. Moreover, working-plan for 2008 was set and approved. Detailed information about this meeting and actual Polish-Ukrainian co-operation on transboundary waters are placed in polish version of protocol which can be downloaded underneath.